stream stay by oingo boingo

24 / lesbian / she/they / east coast illustratorhii im avery and i love to talk about my cat, my everyday life, and the things i love!


- DNFI youre younger than 17, i also don’t really fb minors (current mutuals are fine)
- almost always sfw but any nsfw will be clearly tagged
- very open to messaging! or just conversations w mutuals in replies. i love to talk, although i'm not always the best conversationalist in dms without a specific topic lol
- very RT heavy! if this bothers you, feel free to mute my rts


this is not all of them, but you're likely to see me post about these!
bolded is what i post most often

__games/anime (i post this the most!) __
- persona (1,2,
- sonic the hedgehog
- zero escape
- one piece
- twisted wonderland
- vocaloid and vocal synths in general
- yu-gi-oh! (up to arc-v)
-fire emblem (most of them lol)
- nintendo games (splatoon and Pokemon are big ones)
- various visual novels/otome (ace attorney, ghost trick, etc)
- various rhythm games/gacha
- misc. anime
- various other games and movies!

- star wars (unfortunately) breaking bad/better call saul, the x files, twin peaks, etc
- general animated films/cartoon shorts (i love oswald the lucky rabbit!)

- Depeche mode, duran duran, oingo boingo, fall out boy..
- big genres are classic dad rock, 2000s dad rock, new wave, general alt rock/pop
- lots of others - i linked my spotify have fun

misc. hobbies and general interests
- cooking!
- cosplay
- travel
- collecting things ( buttons, model skeletons, figures)
- d&d
- sharks
- skeletons
- amusement parks
- 20th century pop culture
- just like. old trinkets and media in general. show me a character lunchbox from the 50s and im gonna cheer

hi these are my babygirls

- royal trio (ren, sumi, akechi) (persona 5)
- femc (persona 3)
- aigis (persona 3)
- junpei (zero escape)
- Marty mcfly BTTF BABY
- megurine luka (vocaloid)
- yusei fudo (yugioh 5ds)
- dark magician girl (yugioh)
- saul goodman/jimmy mcgill (better call saul/breaking bad)
- oswald the lucky rabbit
- tails, blaze, metal sonic, eggman, shadow (sonic franchise)
- buggy the clown (one piece) (anime/manga not la lol)
- anakin skywalker/darth vader (star wars)